
Good perspective on a hero and great insight into the manipulation and brain washing techniques used against girls around the world. Hope for the Journey: Special Post: Charles Ramsey, Human Trafficking, and the Hero Next Door.
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(Originally published Oct. 30, 2011) It’s impossible to know how many brilliant ideas or life-changing discoveries never make it past that initial ‘eureka’ moment. It might be because of cost, inconvenience, a lack of confidence or know-how. It might be...
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After a day of meetings, my head spinning with options, making tough decisions and once again, changing the day that Made for Freedom would launch, I was ready to call it a day. However my dear Mentor/Tormentor, Bret, decided that...
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First Free ChurchManchester, MOPhoto credit: Joelle Smith January 31. The last day of a new month in 2013. A month marked by resolutions kept, some broken, others to be fulfilled. Days filled with new exercises, diets (Paleo or “Forks Over...
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Yes, I joined “The Hobbit” masses last weekend. Early in the movie Gandalf is entering The Shire and stops to address Bilbo Baggins. “I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it’s very...
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