Here at Made for Freedom, our team is constantly and passionately pursuing a world without sex trafficking. It is our mission to help end human trafficking with three important methods.

Human Trafficking Prevention
Our artisans come from a seemingly endless cycle of extreme vulnerability caused by poverty. By paying these women a living wage, we are able to remove the source of their vulnerability, and in turn prevent them from turning to sex trafficking, exploitation or sweat shop labor as their only source of viable income.
Healing & Restoration for Victims of Exploitation
In addition to providing women with dignified employment opportunities, our partner centers around the world provide education & counseling to ensure that our workers are taken care of mentally as well as financially. This is especially critical for those who have found themselves living in a cycle of exploitation previously.
Learn more about dignified employment and how it can help end the cycle in this article, "Why dignified employment?"

Human Trafficking Awareness & Empowerment of Advocates
Social awareness is critical to our cause. We are working to educate the public about the causes of human trafficking and exploitation, and then to empower them to help us end this cycle. At Made for Freedom, we provide a variety of opportunities for individuals to get involved in assisting our
mission - and we work to educate the masses about the choices they make that may contribute to human trafficking, however unintentionally.
You can help us end human trafficking. Join the Fight Programs offer numerous opportunities to get involved.
Send me information on how I can Join the Fight!
Our Commitment
Made for Freedom is committed to bringing you products made with dignity. We specifically engage with centers that work with women and girls who have been exploited and marginalized to provide them with the skills and wages they need to rebuild their lives. At these centers, victims of sex slavery and human trafficking learn that they have value, that they are capable, that they are loved, and that healing is possible. Our partners teach women not only to make the products we sell, but also how a business works, and how to use their skills to help others. When women are empowered by employment and education, the cycle of vulnerability and extreme poverty is broken for generations.