As a college student, I don't have very much extra money to spend on clothes, especially expensive ones. So when I do go and shop I end up buying from cheap, fast fashion stores where the clothes are almost guaranteed...
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Decriminalising domestic violence..that’s an interesting thought. You’re probably appalled by the idea and wondering why I’m even writing about it. Well, to be clear, I don’t support this, not even a tiny part of me. In Russia however, some people...
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I'm sure all of us believe this to be true, that sex trafficking is a horrible and disgusting industry that needs to be shut down immediately. Many of you, however, may think that this industry only affects people on the opposite side...
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Empowering Women to Help Women I'm not an avid reader but I am an idealist. I usually check out books and keep them as long as possible, checking them out three times, before I submit to the realization that I'm...
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Diamonds have always been said to be a girl’s best friend. In fact, as a whole, the business of diamonds brings in about $81.4 billion a year. However, only an incredibly small percentage of that profit is given to those...
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