So we completed our first ever sales road trip for Made for Freedom. All the planning and preparation paid off. We enjoyed visiting boutiques around the north central States, and we learned a lot along the way. We approached this trip...
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Our final stop, city #17 on our 17-city tour, was Chicago. Our biggest lesson from Chicago: we need a different strategy for mega-cities. We stayed a few days and bunked in the Chicago Getaway Hostel during our time there, but we were...
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Final update from Made for Freedom Road Trip 2014 Part 1 from Made for Freedom on Vimeo.
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Arriving in Minnesota drove us toward larger cities again and started us on the last stage of our first sales road trip. Once more, skyscrapers appeared in the downtown cores, and we visited varied clusters of boutiques throughout the cities...
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We entered another phase of our sales trip when we drove out of Yellowstone. For several days we traveled through towns along I-90 in Montana and South Dakota that started small and grew but still stayed under the population threshold...
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