Moe Moe's Story of Resilience
"Moe Moe was a 14 year old with dreams and a hope for the future.
When her mother fell on hard times and could not pay the rent, a kind neighbor approached her about a job for her daughter. She was told that Moe Moe could work in the home of a very wealthy family. She was so happy to provide this opportunity for her daughter and not lose her home.
She sent her daughter off and received one month's salary of $40. Moe Moe was sent to a holding house instead. While there, she overheard that she would be sold and sent to another country.
Fortunately, she was able to find a phone and call her mother before being shipped off. The police were able to rescue her.
Moe Moe later found out the people holding her were major traffickers and sold many underage girls internationally.
Due to corruption in the police and judicial system, many known traffickers are never punished or prosecuted. Our partner center is working hard to change the way law enforcement approaches human trafficking."

Seek Justice Necklace
Moe Moe works in one of our partner centers that provide dignified employment to women like her.
This beautiful necklace is one of their handcrafted creations.
Suspended from a bead chain, the stainless steel bar is engraved on three of its four sides. It reminds us to put others first with the saying, "Seek Justice. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly."