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Phu Lei's Story of Resilience

In the face of dire poverty, individuals go to extraordinary measures to secure employment opportunities. However, relying on middlemen puts them in even more danger. Heartbreakingly, many of the women we encounter were deceitfully led to believe they were accepting legitimate jobs, only to be sold instead. Take Phu Lei's remarkable journey, for instance. When she arrived at Eden, she bore the physical and emotional scars of a broken kneecap and four years of trauma. But today, she stands tall as an esteemed store manager, having reclaimed her dignity and transformed her life.

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Change the World Bracelet

Phu Lei's inspiring journey reveals that there is hope for many women like her. With the support of partner centers like Eden, this women are given the opportunity to turn their lives around. Changing the world, one survivor at a time.

Experience the power of change with the handmade Change the World bracelet. Every purchase you make directly supports holistic programs that empower human trafficking survivors to reclaim their lives and embrace freedom. Join us in making a difference today! 

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