You're Invited! Fashion Revolution Celebration
In 12 days, Made for Freedom will be hosting an event in St. Louis, and you're invited!
It’s going to be a shopping and fashion show extravaganza to remember! On Tuesday evening, April 21st from 5-9 pm, come shop a selection of unique and globally inspired fashion, home décor and hand-crafted items while enjoying live music, food, and a fashion show in one of St. Louis’s most unusual venues, TechArtista (4818 Washington Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63108) in the Central West End. All items for sale have a very happy twist – they were made with concern for people and/or the planet. Fair trade, living wage, green and other ethical production practices represented.
You'll definitely want to make sure you're there for:
- Live Music from Jessamyn Rains and Hera Lynn
- Sliders and beverages by Risch Group
- 15+ Vendors: Blissoma, Forai, Inali Jewelry Designs, Indie Mats, Johanna Marie, Made for Freedom, Malia, Noonday Collection, Partners For Just Trade, Perennial, Plowsharing Crafts, SoLuna, Traveling Tea, Zee Bee Market
- Fashion Show (at 6 & 8) with ethically made/environmentally friendly fashion
- Winners of the Made for Freedom International Design Contest announced from among 100 applications across 8 countries
- Design Competition Judges: Andrea Robertson of Triflare, Jill Pagano of J.Hilburn Men’s Stylist, Jessica Rey of Rey Swimwear, Amy Johnson of Kay Oss Designs, Emily Huey of Stevens Institute of Business and Arts, and Lori Coulter of Lori Coulter Swimwear
If you can’t attend on foot, attend online as we stream the event live with Periscope via Twitter! Follow @madeforfreedom on Twitter to make sure you'll see our updates.
This is the 2nd Annual Fashion Revolution Celebration hosted by Made for Freedom is in conjunction with Fashion Revolution, a worldwide movement that honors the victims of a garment factory collapse in Bangladesh in 2013. Fashion Revolution invites socially conscious consumers to ask apparel companies for transparency in their supply chains and employment practices, efforts that aim to increase dignified employment and decrease sweatshop and forced labor.
Coming? RSVP on our BazaarBoy or Facebook event! We'll see you there!
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