We are so excited to introduce you to our newest partner in Kathmandu, Nepal. Dawn visited this center in January and got conversation going with the wonderful staff there about a partnership. Now, just a month after the earthquakes, we are prepared to begin selling their products. As the earthquake has put so many women and girls at risk, we are thankful to be able to provide dignified employment in the midst of a horrible tragedy that had left so many vulnerable.
Introducing Higher Ground, who says their mission is to "fight against poverty and human trafficking through awareness, education, skill development, counseling and micro enterprise."
Higher Ground has two branches of their organization; one is the business side where women learn are a part of their cafe/bakery or their crafts center. The other side of the organization does community development, an essential component to making a lasting difference.
So, what products will Made for Freedom be carrying?
We're excited to be getting in green and blue infinity scarves! You can see it pictured on our model from the fashion show at our Fashion Revolution Celebration last month:

They go so perfectly with those blue Creabeli pants!
We will also be getting in glass bead jewelry, and you'll be able to show your support with DIGNITY for your team or school by purchasing jewelry made in those specific colors! Finally, a stylish way to root for the home team.
Here are some samples of their glass bead jewelry:

So beautiful!

What great colors!
We're so looking forward to getting this product in our online store. Keep checking back to be the first to know when it's in stock!
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