In the month leading up to Fashion Revolution, we had fashion designers from all over the world sending in designs for our #IAmMadeforFreedom Design Competition. We loved seeing what people came up with and showcased the designs at our Fashion Revolution Celebration in April. Now we'd like to share the winning designs with you! We may be including them in a future CREABELI collection.

Grand prize went to Leonis Arias of the US. Her design is for a really cool wrap that totally fits our boho chic style! Doesn't it look great with those CREABELI pants?

Check out this cool sweater made by Allizay Abbas of Pakistan, our first place winner! She says she loves to learn and wants to pursue fashion design. Way to go, Alizay.

Second place when to Jasmine Herd for this super cool romper. We love the way she's styled it with a floppy hat (one of the biggest things in fashion this summer!) and the colors she used.

Honorable Mention goes to Jaclyn Bullard of Chicago. She has seen the deception that leads to exploitation and the devastation that results. She wants to inspire people and raise awareness through her ability to design. She's a part of a new cycle of empowerment and dignity!
Thank you so much to all of those who submitted designs - we had over 100 applicants! The winners received a cash prize, a Google Hangouts call with Dawn Manske, and the possibility of being including in a future collection!
Thank you to our judges for helping us to assess the merits of these amazing designs!
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