You Are Invited: 31 Days of Strength and Dignity

Nearly every day I read about an individual or group that is impacting the lives of those in need. Whether it is education for girls, water for the poor or shelter for those fleeing for their lives it is inspiring and a refreshing counter the reports of hatred, malice and death.

January is "National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month." Most states, countries and regions of the world dedicate time to raise awareness around human trafficking. As of January 2016, my home state, Missouri, recognizes January as "Sex Trafficking Awareness Month."

As I thought about the US national prevention month, the numerous groups doing amazing things to change people's lives I was reminded of a verse in Proverbs 31, "Strength and Dignity are her clothing, and she laughs without fear of the future.”

“Strength and Dignity” - we hope to provide through our partnerships.

“Are her clothing” - brings in the concept of apparel which is the vehicle through which MFF empowers.

“And she laughs without fear of the future.” - with the skills and training that come with Dignified Employment, the future is less daunting.

A powerful message. Chapter 31. A month to raise awareness...with 31 days! 

I couldn't help myself! We need to tie all these things together and we'd like to invite you to join us as we dig in, explore, highlight, interview, and feature those who are instilling Strength and Dignity!

Come back tomorrow to learn more.

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